Retro Scan Detections Notifications Parent topic

Deep Discovery Inspector can send notifications when Retro Scan detects historical callback attempts to C&C servers included in the Trend Micro Global Intelligence List.


  1. Go to AdministrationNotificationsNotification SettingsRetro Scan Detections.
  2. Select Notify Administrator if Retro Scan detects previous callback attempts to known C&C servers.
  3. Specify a sending interval.
    Select a value between one and 30 days.
    Trend Micro recommends using the default settings.
  4. (Optional) Configure the notification recipients.
  5. (Optional) Modify the default subject and message body.
    • The message body cannot exceed 4,096 characters.
    • The message subject cannot exceed 256 characters.
    You can use any of the following message tokens when customizing the notification.
    Message Token
    Deep Discovery Inspector management console URL
    Number of compromised hosts
    Number of C&C callback attempts found
    Retro Scan report run date and time
  6. Click Save.