Configuring Microsoft Active Directory Integration Parent topic

Before starting, obtain the information required to configure the Active Directory integration from the server administrator.


  1. Go to AdministrationIntegrated Products/ServicesMicrosoft Active Directory.
  2. Select Use Microsoft Active Directory.
  3. Configure the following settings:
    Server type
    The type of Active Directory server you want to connect to.
    Available options:
    • Microsoft Active Directory
    • Microsoft Active Directory Global Catalog
    Server address
    The IP address or public FQDN of the Active Directory server.
    The protocol used to protect data during communication between the Deep Discovery Inspector and the Active Directory server.
    Available options:
    • SSL
    The network port number used for communication with the Active Directory server.
    Trend Micro recommends using the following default ports:
    • For Microsoft Active Directory, or OpenLDAP:
      • SSL: 636
      • StartTLS: 389
    • For Microsoft AD Global Catalog:
      • SSL: 3269
      • STARTTLS: 3268
    Base distinguished name
    The starting point in the Active Directory hierarchy from which Deep Discovery Inspector syncs data.
    User name
    The user name of your Active Directory server.
    The password associated with the user account.
  4. If your organization uses a CA certificate, select Use CA certificate and click Select to locate the CA certificate file.
  5. (Optional) Click Test Connection to verify that a connection to the LDAP server can be established using the specified information.
  6. Click Save.