Connection Details Parent topic

The Connection Details section of the Affected Hosts - Detection Details screen contains the following information:
Click View in Threat Connect to connect with Threat Connect, where you can search for current information about the threat.
Click Download and then select Connection Details to download a CSV file of the connection details.
Click Download and then select Detected File to download a password protected ZIP archive containing the detected file.
If a packet capture has been enabled and the detection matched a packet capture rule, click Download and then select PCAP File to download a password protected ZIP archive containing the pcap file. In the pcap file, the comment "Detected Packet" in the "pkt_comment" field marks the packet that triggered the detection.
Detected Packet Example
For details about packet capture, see Packet Capture.
Click Download and then select All to download a password protected ZIP archive containing the detected file, the packet capture file, and the connection details.
Suspicious files and pcap files must always be handled with caution. Extract the detected file and pcap file at your own risk. Trend Micro recommends analyzing the files in an isolated environment.
The password for the zip archive is "virus".

Affected Hosts - Detection Details - Detection Information

Information provided in the Detection Information section may include the following:
  • Activity detected
  • Attack phase
  • Correlation Rule ID (ICID)
  • Detection name
  • Detection rule ID
    Click the detection rule number to view more details about the rule in the Threat Encyclopedia.
  • Detection severity
  • Detection type
  • Event class
  • MITRE ATT&CK™ Framework
    • Tactics
    • Techniques
    Click the tactic or technique to view more details on the MITRE website.
    © ATT&CK™ is a trademark of the MITRE Corporation.
  • Notable Object
  • Protocol
  • Reference
  • Targeted attack campaign
  • Targeted attack related
  • Threat
  • Threat description
  • Timestamp
  • URL category
  • Virtual Analyzer risk level
Additional information may appear for specific correlated incidents.

Detection Types

Detection Types
Correlated Incident
Events/detections that occur in a sequence or reach a threshold and define a pattern of activity
Disruptive Application
Any peer-to-peer, instant messaging, or streaming media applications considered to be disruptive because they may do the following:
  • Affect network performance
  • Create security risks
  • Distract employees
Network and file-based attempts to access information
Adware/grayware detections of all types and confidence levels
Malicious Behavior
Behavior that definitely indicates compromise with no further correlation needed, including the following:
  • Positively-identified malware communications
  • Known malicious destination contacted
  • Malicious behavioral patterns and strings
Malicious Content
File signature detections
Malicious URL
Websites that try to perform malicious activities
Suspicious Behavior
Behavior that could indicate compromise but requires further correlation to confirm, including the following:
  • Anomalous behavior
  • False or misleading data
  • Suspicious and malicious behavioral patterns and strings

Affected Hosts - Detection Details - Connection Summary

Information provided in the Connection Summary section may include the following:
  • A graphical display that includes the direction of the event and other information. The Client in the diagram is the host that initiated the connection.
  • Host details may include the following:
    • Host name
    • IP address and port
    • Last logon user
    • MAC address
    • Network group
    • Network zone
    • Operating system

Affected Hosts - Detection Details - Protocol Information

Information provided in the Protocol Information section may include the following:
  • BOT command
  • Certificate Information
    • Issued To
      • Common name
      • Organization
      • Organizational unit
    • Issued By
      • Common name
      • Organization
      • Organizational unit
  • Domain name
  • Host name
  • HTTP referer
  • ICMP code
  • ICMP type
  • IRC channel name
  • IRC nick name
  • Message ID
  • Protocol
  • Queried domain
  • Recipients
  • Sender
  • SNI host name
  • Subject
  • Target share
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • URL
  • User agent
  • User name

Affected Hosts - Detection Details - File Information

Information provided in the File Information section may include the following:
  • File name
  • File SHA-1
  • File SHA-256
  • File size

Affected Hosts - Detection Details - Additional Information

Information provided in the Additional Information section may include the following:
  • Attempted to disrupt connection
  • Detected by
  • Mitigation
  • Fingerprinting
    • JA3 hash value
    • JA3S hash value