Adding an Active Directory Account Parent topic


  1. Go to AdministrationAccounts.
  2. Click the Active Directory tab.
  3. Click Add.
    The Add Active Directory User / Group screen appears.
  4. Configure the account status.
    • Enabled (default)
    • Disabled
    A user cannot disable their own account.
  5. Select Active Directory user or group as the Type of this account.
  6. Type a user or group name and click Search to search the Active Directory for matching user accounts or groups.
    Matching user accounts and groups are displayed in the results table.
    User accounts are not displayed in the results table if:
    • The user account's User Principal Name (UPN) is not specified on the Active Directory server
    • The user account is disabled on the Active Directory server
  7. Select the Active Directory user account or group to add.
  8. Select a user role.
    • Viewer (default)
    • Administrator
  9. (Optional) For viewer accounts, select Allow user to mark detections as resolved.
    For details, see Viewing All Detections.
    The default value for Allow user to mark detections as resolved is unselected.
  10. Click Save.
    The new account is added to the Active Directory accounts list.