Viewing C&C Callback Addresses Parent topic


  1. Go to DetectionsC&C Callback Addresses.
  2. Click the drop-down for detection type and then select one of the following detection types:
    • All (default)
    • IP Addresses/Domains
    • URLs
  3. (Optional) Copy a callback address to the Deny List or the Allow List.
    1. Select a callback address detection.
    2. Click Copy to Deny List or Copy to Allow List.
      A window appears to copy to the Deny List or Allow List.
    3. Specify the options and click Save.
      A notification that asks to reload the lists appears .
    4. Click Reload.
  4. (Optional) Click a number in the Callbacks column to drill-down to the All Detections screen with filters applied.
  5. (Optional) To sort the list of C&C callback addresses, click the column titles.
    Only one column can be sorted at a time.
    • Callback Address: Ascending/descending alphanumeric
    • C&C Risk Level: Ascending/descending alphabetical
    • Type: Ascending/descending alphabetical
    • Latest Callback: Earliest/latest date
    • Callbacks: Ascending/descending numerical