Deep Discovery Inspector Widgets Parent topic

Deep Discovery Inspector includes the following widgets:

Summary Widgets

Threats at a Glance
This widget displays actionable information about six key metrics and links to the corresponding detection logs.
Top Affected Hosts
This widget displays hosts with the highest severity rating by severity in the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.
Threat Summary
This widget displays the threat count of various threat types within the past 24 hours/7 days/30 days.
Malicious Scanned Network Traffic
This widget displays real-time total and malicious scanned traffic volume detected by Deep Discovery Inspector by HTTP, SMTP, and other traffic, in hours.
Scanned Traffic by Protocol Type
This widget displays total traffic volume by protocol, in the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.

Threat Monitoring Widgets

Threat Geographic Map
This widget displays a graphical representation of the affected hosts on a virtual world map within the past hour/current day/past 7 days/past 30 days.
Monitored Network Traffic in Past 30 Days
This widget displays the total size of network traffic across the mirrored switch in the past 30 days.

Virtual Analyzer Status Widgets

Top Hosts with Virtual Analyzer Detections
This widget displays the top affected hosts analyzed by Virtual Analyzer based on the number of detections, in the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.
Top Malicious Sites Analyzed by Virtual Analyzer
This widget displays top malicious sites analyzed by Virtual Analyzer by detection and affected host count, in the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.
Top Suspicious Files
This widget displays top suspicious files analyzed by Virtual Analyzer by detection and affected host count, in the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.
Virtual Analyzer
This widget displays the status of Virtual Analyzer, including Virtual Analyzer threat analysis results within the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.

Top Trends Widgets

Top Disruptive Applications
This widget displays the most detected disruptive applications within the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.
Top Malicious URLs Detected
This widget displays the most detected malicious URLs within the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.

System Status Widgets

CPU Usage
This widget displays real-time CPU consumption for each CPU used by Deep Discovery Inspector.
The indicator color is green if CPU usage is 85% or less. It turns yellow when CPU usage is between 85% and 95%, and red if more than 95%.
Disk Usage
This widget displays real-time disk usage for all disks. Green indicates the amount of disk space (in GB) being used. Blue indicates the amount of available disk space (in GB).
Memory Usage
This widget displays real-time memory usage. Green indicates the amount (in GB) of memory being used. Blue indicates the amount (in GB) of available memory.
Memory usage information is also available on the Preconfiguration Console.

Optional Widgets

All Scanned Traffic
This widget displays total scanned traffic volume for the past 24 hours by HTTP, SMTP, and other traffic, in seconds.
Malicious Real-time Network Traffic
This widget displays real-time total and malicious traffic volume detected by Deep Discovery Inspector by HTTP, SMTP, and other traffic, in seconds.
Real-time Scanned Traffic
This widget displays real-time total traffic volume scanned by Deep Discovery Inspector by HTTP, SMTP, and other traffic, in seconds.
Top Exploited Hosts
This widget displays the most detected exploited hosts within the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.
Top Grayware-infected Hosts
This widget displays the most grayware-infected hosts within the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.
Top Malicious Content Detected
This widget displays the most detected threats within the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.
Top Malware-infected Hosts
This widget displays the hosts most affected by malware within the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.
Top Suspicious Behaviors Detected
This widget displays the most detected suspicious behaviors within the past 1 hour/24 hours/7 days/30 days.
Optional widgets may be added to any widget tab.