Key Feature
Enhanced Amazon Web Services (AWS) Deployment
You can now deploy Deep Discovery Inspector from the AWS Marketplace.
Key Feature
SAML for single sign-on (SSO)
Deep Discovery Inspector supports the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
authentication standard using Okta and Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)
providers to allow users to single sign-on to the Deep Discovery Inspector console when they sign in
to their organization's portal.
Enhanced Virtual Analyzer
The internal Virtual Analyzer has been enhanced. This release adds the following features:
JA3 and JA3S Detection Exception
Deep Discovery Inspector provides the
option to create detection exceptions for JA3 and JA3S detections
Enhanced Inline Product Integration
This release adds the following features for Inline product integration:
Deep Discovery Director – Network Analytics On-premises Support
Deep Discovery Inspector supports
integration of Deep Discovery Director – Internal Network Analytics and Deep
Discovery Director - Standalone Network Analytics
Packet Capture Enhancement
In addition to capturing packets based on the client host IP address, Deep Discovery Inspector can capture
packets based on the server host IP address
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Deployment
Deep Discovery Inspector supports
deployment on AWS