Configuring Identity Provider Settings Parent topic

  • Before you add an identity provider, obtain the metadata file from your identity provider.
  • You can add up to two identity providers in Deep Discovery Inspector, one each for AD FS and Okta.


  1. Go to AdministrationIntegrated Products/ServicesSAML Authentication.
  2. In the Identity Provider section, do one of the following:
    • Click Add to add a new entry.
    • Click an identity provider service name to change the settings.
  3. Select a status option to enable or disable the identity provider settings.
  4. Type a descriptive name for the identity provider.
    Deep Discovery Inspector displays the service name in the drop-down list on the Log On screen.
  5. Type a description.
  6. Click Select and choose the metadata file obtained from your identity provider.
    After importing the metadata file, the system displays the identity provider information.
  7. Click Save.