Submissions Tasks Parent topic

The following table lists all the Submissions tasks:

Submissions Tasks

Submit Objects
Click Submit when you are done and then check the status on the Processing or Queued tab. When the sample has been analyzed, it appears in the Completed tab.
For details, see Submitting Objects.
To manually submit multiple files at once, use the Manual Submission Tool. See Manually Submitting Objects.
Select one or more samples and click Reanalyze to:
  • Remove the existing analysis result
  • Resubmit the sample to the queue
  • Reanalyze the sample again, ignoring any cached data
This option is available on the Completed and Unsuccessful tabs only.
Export All
Export all displayed submissions to a CSV file.
This option is available on the Completed, Unsuccessful and ICAP Pre-scan tabs only.
Detailed Information Screen
On the Completed tab, click anywhere on a row to view detailed information about the submitted sample. A new section below the row shows the details.
For details, see Detailed Information Screen.
Prioritize Objects
On the Queued tab, select an object and click Prioritize to move the object to the top of the queue.
Data Filters
If there are too many entries in the table, use data filters to limit the entries. Each tab uses a different set of data filters.
Available data filters on the Completed tab only:
  • Risk level: Filters by the Risk Level column.
  • Event logged: Filters by the Event Logged column. All time periods indicate the time used by Deep Discovery Analyzer. If no time period is selected, the default configuration of Last 24 hours is used.
Available data filters on the Unsuccessful tab only:
  • Error: Filters by the Error column.
  • Submitted: Filters by the Submitted column. All time periods indicate the time used by Deep Discovery Analyzer. If no time period is selected, the default configuration of Last 24 hours is used.
Available data filter on the ICAP Pre-scan tab only:
  • Detected: Filters by the Detected column. All time periods indicate the time used by Deep Discovery Analyzer. If no time period is selected, the default configuration of Last 24 hours is used.
The following options are available on all tabs:
  • All tabs contain a search box. Type some characters in the search text box, and then press ENTER. Deep Discovery Analyzer searches only the file names and URLs in the current tab for matches. Performing a search on the Completed tab also searches for child file names as well.
  • The Advanced link can limit the entries according to information specified in one or more columns. For details, see Applying Advanced Filters.
Customize columns
To customize which columns appear in the table, click the gear icon (gear-icon.png), select the columns to be displayed in the table, and click Apply.
Records and Pagination Controls
The panel at the bottom of the screen shows the total number of samples. If all samples cannot display at the same time, use the pagination controls to view the samples that are hidden from view.