User-defined Suspicious Objects List Parent topic

On the User-defined Suspicious Objects tab, you can manually add suspicious objects to Deep Discovery Analyzer using the Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) format.
The following columns show information about objects on the User-defined Suspicious Objects tab.

User-defined Suspicious Objects columns

Column Name
Date and time when the suspicious object was added
IP address, Domain, URL, or File
The IP address, domain, URL, or SHA-1 hash value of the file
Click Edit to modify the displayed value.
The source (Deep Discovery Director or local) that added the suspicious object
Deep Discovery Analyzer can import STIX files formatted using the 1.2, 1.1.1 and 1.0.1 version specifications. The 1.0.1 specification can only be used for Virtual Analyzer output.
The STIX file can include multiple objects. However, Deep Discovery Analyzer only imports the following supported STIX indicators:
  • Indicator - File Hash Watchlist (SHA1 only)
  • Indicator - URL Watchlist
  • Indicator - Domain Watchlist
  • Indicator - IP Watchlist
STIX indicators can use the following Properties attributes:
  • @condition must be Equals
  • @apply_condition must be ANY