Adding a Passive Primary Appliance to the Cluster Parent topic

The following table lists requirements that need to be fulfilled by both active primary appliance and passive primary appliance before the passive primary appliance can be added to the cluster.

High Availability Clustering Requirements

Hardware model
Must be same hardware model (1000, 1100 or 1200)
Physical connection
Must be directly connected to each other using eth3
Firmware, hotfix, and patch version
Must be the same
Host name
Must be different
IP addresses
Must be symmetrical:
  • If only IPv4 address is configured on active primary appliance, passive primary appliance cannot configure both IPv4 address and IPv6 address.
  • If IPv4 address and IPv6 address are configured on active primary appliance, passive primary appliance cannot only configure IPv4 address.
Network segment
Must be in the same network segment
Virtual IP address
Must be configured on the active primary appliance
In a high availability cluster, one appliance acts as the active primary appliance, and one acts as the passive primary appliance. The passive primary appliance automatically takes over as the new active primary appliance if the active primary appliance encounters an error and is unable to recover.
  • If your network has Trend Micro Control Manager, only register the active primary appliance to Control Manager.
  • When using high availability, use the virtual IP address to register.


  1. Perform the installation and deployment tasks as described in the Deep Discovery Analyzer Installation and Deployment Guide.
  2. Configure the passive primary appliance.
    1. On the management console of the passive primary appliance, go to AdministrationSystem Settings and click the Cluster tab.
    2. Select Primary mode (passive).
    3. Type the IPv4 address or IPv6 address of the active primary appliance in Active primary IP address.
    4. Click Test Connection.
    5. Click Save.
      You will be redirected to the appliance standby screen.
  • The passive primary appliance stops processing objects if it was previously doing so.
  • The passive primary appliance will sync all settings from the active primary appliance. The total time to complete syncing depends on the appliance model.
    While the appliance is syncing, it cannot:
    • Take over as active primary appliance
    • Switch to another mode
  • The management console of the passive primary appliance cannot be accessed. Manage the appliance and monitor the sync status from the management console of the active primary appliance.